Month: June 2019

Classroom Adoption Program

Maruti likes to thank our General Manager Roxine Quilis and Human Resource Manager Maggie Adams for visiting West Riviera Elementary School. Both Ms. Quilis and Ms. Adams meet with all the kindergartners and their teacher present them with school supplies. They were able to ensure all 40 students had everything they needed.

Advancing Women in Transportation Industry

Maruti teamed up with a very important organization in transportation recently. The Advancing Women in Transportation (WTS) helps young women realize their potential in an industry not used to women in leadership. Maruti grants scholarships to these women to advance their education and management skills in order to become the next generation of leaders for the industry.

19 Jun by admin

WTS Keynote Talk

Ms. Parikh takes an active roll to mentor young students who are preparing to be the next generation of leaders. Ms Parikh has spoken on a number of WTS panels to promote the importance of young individuals to prepare to be the next leaders in the industry. This desire has led Ms Parikh to ensure her organization offers internship programs, scholarships, and mentorships to generate an environment for young leaders to grow.