

Fixed Route Operations

Healthcare Transit Solutions

Mobility Management Solutions


Shuttle Services

Transit Consulting

Each community has a unique demographic, providing inclusive, safe, and efficient transportation services for a diverse population is challenging. Partnering with a sophisticated transit partner that is caring as well as dedicated to the community is invaluable. Maruti efficiently and safely transports over 3 million passengers annually; Maruti’s track record of safety is unparalleled in the industry. We are committed to improving existing services while concurrently providing built-in cost-saving measures: cutting costs without sacrificing customer service, Maruti is the solution for your community’s present and future transportation needs. 



Maruti’s specialized services include:

Professional management

Call center operations for reservations, scheduling, and dispatch

On-Demand ride request via point to point service

Full-service turnkey operations

ADA paratransit operations

Dial-a-Ride Operations

VA Transportation 

Flexible fixed route and route deviation


Notable Cost-Efficient Elements of Maruti Service:

We Increase operational efficiency through our proven programs and technology 

We improve asset reliability and adhere to a stringent preventive maintenance program 

We reinforce the management of operational fleet expenditures via Key Performance Indicators 

We meet budget goals: we offer performance-based contracts as well as competitive pricing